Websphere MQ/CAAPM-issue after OS-upgrade
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Websphere MQ/CAAPM-issue after OS-upgrade


Article ID: 370992


Updated On: 06-28-2024


CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


Our servers have been upgraded from RHEL 7.9 to RHEL 9. The CA-APM configuration seems to be broken now and causes problems on two areas:


Problem: MQ-Reply-Communication is broken as CA-APM seems to grab messages before putting it to the queue and changes the payload

The Startup time of the application server nearly doubled


Problem: with the upgrade from RHEL 7.9 to RHEL 9 the MQ-communication between our servers is broken. 

Likely Cause: on RHEL 9 CA-APM grabs the reply-message for statistics and modifies the payload. The reply message cannot be parsed by the receiving system.



24.2 Release Notes

Only in APM 24.4.2 and later does APMIA support RHEL 9 .