DX APM :DX-Dashboards enhancement request for supporting additional 'time regions'
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DX APM :DX-Dashboards enhancement request for supporting additional 'time regions'


Article ID: 370921


Updated On: 06-27-2024




Suggession1: Combining day and hour ranges 

The suggestion is to combine the week day and working hours ranges within days which be done by defining 5 time ranges one for each weekday. This means start and/or stop times need to be altered in same way across 5 ranges if the 'working hours' needs to be changed.

Suggession2: Day of month with provision for 'month end' being m days before end of month and/or n days at start of month

The suggestion is to include additional time ranges which allowed for events like 'month end' processes (say n days before and after end of month - this can't be simply done by day of month as months have different numbers of days with added complication of leap years.

Suggession3: Public holidays or other busy periods such as Black Friday (which is now multiple days), or periods such as company 'annual result announcements' when focus on data is increased

The suggestion is to also  define 'public holidays' would be helpful too.  Ideally these could be defined for whole tenant, a universe or a dashboard as some dashboards may be designed for user groups in different geographical locations which therefore have different public holidays.   Ideally such holiday definitions could be shared so that a few versions of public holiday calendars exist and therefore need updating as holidays vary across years or as localities adjust set of public holidays.

Time range Screenshot:




DX APM on-premise 2x


Enhancement request #US970328 has been created for supporting  additional 'time regions' and targeted for Q1-FY25. If need any further information please contact Broadcom support.