EDPA Service Stops and goes into Manual Due to Initialization Failure of Boost Synchronization Objects
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EDPA Service Stops and goes into Manual Due to Initialization Failure of Boost Synchronization Objects


Article ID: 370898


Updated On: 07-08-2024


Data Loss Prevention


During EDPA startup, the LiveUpdateService initializes and creates a LiveUpdateMessageHandler object.
In the construction of LiveUpdateMessageHandler, it creates Boost synchronization objects.
On Windows OS, it checks for System Event 6005 while creating these objects. If this event is not found, the following error is thrown, causing EDPA to shut down gracefully:

SEVERE | AgentServices.LiveUpdateService | Failed to create eventStateUpdateCondition or eventStateUpdateMutex. Exception error code = boost::interprocess::intermodule_singleton initialization failed
SEVERE | AgentServices.LiveUpdateService | Failed to initialize Agent Live Update service. SYMRESULT error code = 0x80010005
SEVERE | CoreServices.AgentServices | Error instantiating or initializing Live Update Controller | [SYMRESULT 0x80010005] | C:\VontuDev\workDir\Agent\AgentServices\AgentServicesImpl.cpp(565)


During  EDPA startup, the LiveUpdateService attempts to create Boost synchronization objects.
This process requires the presence of System Event 6005 on Windows OS. If System Event 6005 ("The Event log service was started") is not found, the creation of these synchronization objects fails,  causing the EDPA service to shut down gracefully.


Restart the system to ensure the Event ID "6005 - The Event log service was started" reappears, allowing the EDPA service to start successfully

The fix for this issue is included in versions 16.1, 16.0RU2, and 16.0_RU1_MP1.