OpenSSH Vulnerabilities CVE-2023-48795, CVE-2023-51384 and CVE- 2023-51385
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OpenSSH Vulnerabilities CVE-2023-48795, CVE-2023-51384 and CVE- 2023-51385


Article ID: 370893


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0 VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0


Customer vulnerability scanners will detect open SSH vulnerabilities.

CVE-2023-48795 priority is medium (CVSS score 5.9)

CVE-2023-51384 priority is medium (CVSS score is 5.5)

CVE-2023-51385 priority is medium (CVSS score is 6.5)


VMware vSphere Esxi 7.x 

VMware vSphere Esxi 8.x


CVE-2023-48795 (CVSS 5.9) "Terrapin": ESXi does not enable chacha20-poly1305 due to FIPS. CBC ciphers are also not used due to CTR being superior. Thus, ESXi is not vulnerable.

CVE-2023-51384 (CVSS 5.5) ESXi does not use ssh-agent, which only affects ssh client.

CVE-2023-51385 (CVSS 6.5) Affects ssh client only.


ESXi 7.x and 8.x are not vulnerable.

Kindly note: The ESXi 8.0u3 has openssh version 9.6 

Additional Information

  • Since OpenSSH is one of the packages which comes as a complete installation bundle with Esxi we cannot upgrade it to specific version.
  • Keep ssh disabled on your host unless it is required for troubleshooting purposes.

  • To verify version run rpm -qa | grep openssh on vCenter CLI