While trying to upload an OS image from Management Center (MC) for an application running on an SSP appliance, also known as ISG, you may encounter the following error:
While loading OS images from the MC or a web server to an ISG, the ISG uses https to download the file and performs certificate validation. If verification fails the ISG will decline requests with“Error: Invalid Server Certificate”.
In the CLP services log you will see the error message:
May 22 03:49:13 ISG Failed with SSLException: Invalid server certificate: SSLHandshakeException - Received fatal alert: handshake_failure javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
The ISG cannot validate the web server or MC certificate.
If the MC or remote file server has a self-signed certificate, from the pop-up window above, install the certificate by clicking the “Install Certificate” button.
If the MC or remote file server has a certificate signed by a Root CA, intermediate certificate, or private Root CA, then import the complete certificate chain on the ISG via the ssl CLI command.
As an example:
inline ca-certificate RootCA
<certificate contents between tags>
inline ca-certificate IntermediateCA
<certificate contents between tags>
edit ccl browser-trusted
add RootCA
add IntermediateCA
See Management Center Script to import certificates to ISG for an example script for MC.
If the MC or web server has a self-signed certificate, the ISG cannot validate the certificate.
If the MC or web server certificate is signed by Root CA or with intermediate certificates not already present on ISG or is a private Root CA the complete certificate chain needs to be added to ISG.