Aria Automation Config Salt-Minion fails to deploy from Aria Automation Blueprint when Aria Automation uses AD user to communicate to Aria Automation Config
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Aria Automation Config Salt-Minion fails to deploy from Aria Automation Blueprint when Aria Automation uses AD user to communicate to Aria Automation Config


Article ID: 370750


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VMware Aria Suite


If the Active Directory user that Aria Automation is using to communicate with Aria Automation Config fails to authenticate periodically this can cause the deployment of a Salt-Minion in a Aria Automation Blueprint to fail to deploy. There are various stages of the deployment where the failure can happen because Aria Automation contacts Aria Automation Config multiple times when deploying the minion. Some of the error messages are as follows:

Resource [/resources/compute/xxxx]:: Salt resource with job id [xxxx] failed. Error:: Error getting the salt configuration for salt resource request id [xxxx] with job id [xxxx] and error: [null]

Resource [/resources/compute/xxxx]:: Salt resource with job id [null] failed. Error:: Resource [/resources/compute/xxxx]:: Salt resource with job id [null] failed. Error:: Failed to submit a request to a Salt Stack Config Server to apply a Salt configuration on a machine: Failed invoking Salt Stack Config Server [deploy_minion] RPC method for resource [minions]: {'code': 4001, 'message': 'Pillar is already present. Deployment is in progress. Please try later.'}

error recieved from getMasterPresence action run


Aria Automation 8.17.1, Aria Automation Config 8.17.1, Salt-Master 3006.8


The cause of this issue is that Active Directory is not always validating the AD user that Aria Automation is using to communicate with Aria Automation Config. 


Rather then using an Active directory user to communicate between Aria Automation and Aria Automation Config use a Aria Automation Config locally defined user.