Export to CSV is missing the Investment Object Filter for Sub-Objects like Assignments, Task, Actual Transactions
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Export to CSV is missing the Investment Object Filter for Sub-Objects like Assignments, Task, Actual Transactions


Article ID: 370738


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


The export to CSV API call for sub-objects are missing the objFilter applicable for the parent object. For example while Exporting to CSV from Assignments / Actual Transactions for an investment, is causing the API call to fetch all the Assignments / transactions, respectively, instead of the assignments / transactions of a particular investment.


Scenario 1: Export To CSV - Transactions:

  1. Login to Clarity System which has more than 250000+ Transactions posted in the last 90 Days
  2. Navigate to Modern UX
  3. Navigate to Project -> Financials -> Actual Transactions
  4. Add "Transaction Date" Filter and select a date range within 90 days.
    Export to CSV

Scenario 2: Export To CSV - Assignments:

  1. Login to Clarity Modern UX
  2. Navigate to Project -> Assignments. This project should have couple of assignment records
  3. Click on Select All option to select all assignment records and then click on Export To CSV option

Expected Results :-

Export to CSV completes and pulls only the records for the investment

Actual Results :-

  • Scenario 1, Export to CSV exports all Transactions records and hence fails since it has more than 250000+ Transaction records, as per the system governor limits. 
  • Scenario 2, Export to CSV exports all the Assignment records present in the application, instead of those specific to the project


Clarity PPM 16.2.2


Caused by DE94884


This issue is resolved in the following PPM versions 16.2.3 and 16.2.2 Patch 1