After upgrading to 20.4 CU4 or higher, or when upgrading to 23.4 or higher, some customers encounter issues due to the configured database driver in the data_engine provider field.
Configure the MS SQL Driver
The driver provides connectivity between DX UIM and the MS SQL server database to enable the transfer and storing of data in the database.
According to Microsoft (Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server), the current usable DB drivers of the data_engine (SQLOLEDB) and (SQLNCLI11) are outdated/deprecated.
Supported versions of MSOLEDBSQL
On MS Windows your current driver version can be checked by navigating via Control Panel->Programs-> MSOLEDBSQL on the Primary hub or checking the Windows registry at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Microsoft>MSOLEDBSQL, click on MSOLEDBSQL and the installed version will be displayed.
Please also refer to: Configure the MS SQL Driver
Notes on database user permissions
If you are not using the System Administrator (sa) login and require SQL Authentication on Microsoft SQL Server, your user account must have the following permissions: