Security Warning -HSTS missing for Wily Introscope in Windows Sever 2019-This is SAP release specific issue
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Security Warning -HSTS missing for Wily Introscope in Windows Sever 2019-This is SAP release specific issue


Article ID: 370726


Updated On: 10-31-2024


CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


SAP customer is facing a security warning whenever they run Introscope detail description as below


Security Warning Screenshot:


The mentioned Port 8082 is APM Introscope WebView port . More details 

 Network Diagnosis showing HSTS missing from Response Header while accessing Introscope Screenshot:



Expected response Header Sample Screenshot:









Introscope EM version 

Windows server 2019 Standard version 1809 with OS build 17763.5576.

Java Version:  11.0.16 (Java 1)


Manual steps to rectify the issue:


Please add the new insterHandler tag(as below) to em-jetty-config.xml on Enterprise Manager after the 1st one and re-start the enterprise manager . Please take a back up of the em-jetty-config.xml  before the change .

<Call name="insertHandler">
      <New id="RewriteHandler" class="org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RewriteHandler">
		<Set name="rules">
		  <Array type="org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.Rule">
				<New id="header" class="org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.HeaderPatternRule">
				   <Set name="pattern">/*</Set>
				   <Set name="name">Strict-Transport-Security</Set>
					<Set name="value">max-age=31536000;</Set>




1: Why SAP specific?

This is only specific to SAP. The normal agent version will pick from webview-jetty-config not the em-jetty-config.

2:Will this manual fix be overwritten in the future patch/upgrade?

Yes, currently it is manual.

3:Will this fix include in future version?

Yes, once it is confirmed it will be include in the next upcoming SAP release.