Missing Instances in Board view
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Missing Instances in Board view


Article ID: 370716


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In some circumstances, not all instances are listed in the Modern UX Board view. These steps use Risks as an example, but the issue can be seen on any Board.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create one Project with 15 risks assigned to the same resource (e.g.: Cheryl, Amos).
  2. In the Board View Options, configure the Columns to 'Assigned To'.
  3. Go to the Grid View and confirm that all 15 risks are displayed.
  4. Open the browser Developer Tools and clear any data captured to this moment.
  5. Go to the Board View, and check the second (last) call to the risks API, which returns 7 records (the first call returns 8 records, totaling 15 risks).
  6. Note the last three records returned in the second call (e.g.: risk13, risk14, risk15).
  7. Go back to the Grid View to change the Assigned To attribute value of these risks to some other resource (e.g.: Joyce, Bauer). All 15 risks are still displayed.
  8. Go back to the Board View.

Expected Results: All 15 risks are displayed in the Board View.

Actual Results: Some risks are missing (12 risks are displayed).


Clarity 16.2.1




This issue is under review.