Failed Aria Operations Manager deployment through Lifecycle Manager (vRSLCM) as part of VCF standup. Error Code: LCMVROPSSYSTEM29002
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Failed Aria Operations Manager deployment through Lifecycle Manager (vRSLCM) as part of VCF standup. Error Code: LCMVROPSSYSTEM29002


Article ID: 370671


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


During Day2 deployment of Aria Operations environment, the operation failed due to Cloud Proxy node unable to join the VMware Aria Operations cluster.

Error Code:  LCMVROPSSYSTEM29002


Aria Operations 8.16

Aria Operations 8.17


Cloud Proxy OneTimeKey (OTK) Expired.

The OTK is installed on the Cloud Proxy (CP) as part of the CP deployment which establishes a secure SSL backend connection between Aria Operations and the CP.  Once the deployment of the CP is initiated, it must be completed within 24 hours.  Otherwise, the key will expired, and the CP will need to be redeployed.


  • Delete the problematic deployment in progress.
  • Redeploy the new Day2 Aria Operations environment, without the Cloud Proxy.
    • Once the Aria Operations is successfully deployed, the Cloud Proxy can be added.
    • The CP deployment is a standalone deployment.  By deploying the Aria Operations environment without the CP, it eliminate the necessity to have to break everything down and redeploy from scratch.

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