Aria Operation for Networks - Change Network Settings
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Aria Operation for Networks - Change Network Settings


Article ID: 370647


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VMware Aria Operations for Networks


Needing to change network settings in Aria Operations for Networks Platform or Collector VMs


VMWare Aria Operations for Networks 6.9
VMWare Aria Operations for Networks 6.10
VMWare Aria Operations for Networks 6.11
VMWare Aria Operations for Networks 6.12.1


  1. Login to VCenter in which Aria Operations for Networks VM lives
  2. Launch Web Console to the VM in question.
  3. Login with consoleuser
  4. Run change-network-settings
    1. update the settings you wish to change.

NOTE: The VM in question will reboot after changes have been made and saved. If you have a clustered environment, please wait 15 minutes in between Platform changes to prevent issues.