NVDS to VDS migration results in a stale NVDS switch after the migration is completed
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NVDS to VDS migration results in a stale NVDS switch after the migration is completed


Article ID: 370575


Updated On:


VMware NSX


NVDS to VDS migration was performed using the UI method, where the switch migration is done as part of remediation task during host upgrade.

Option 3 in : https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-NSX-T-Data-Center/3.2/administration/GUID-1039A36F-F55E-4A0A-B6C6-2C383F4A716D.html

VDS migration status is updated in NSX UI as 'MIGRATION COMPLTED' and the VDS switch is highlighted for the host in the UI under system--> hosts --> Select host--> view details

When checked in VC or the host CLI the host still has the NVDS

cat esxcfg-vswitch_-l
DVS Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU Uplinks
xxxx 9216 6 512 1500 vmnic0,vmnic1

  DVPort ID In Use Client
  148 1 vmnic0
  149 1 vmnic1
  141 1 vmk0

DVS Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU Uplinks
YYYY 9216 5 512 9000 vmnic5,vmnic4

  DVPort ID In Use Client
  8 1 vmnic4
  9 1 vmnic5

Switch Name Num Ports Used Ports Uplinks
NVDS-XYZ 9216 6 vmnic2,vmnic3

Migration completion logs are seen under /var/log/proton/nsxapi.log

23:29:15.828Z INFO MigrateToCvdsTaskExecutor9 MigrateToCvdsTask 72011 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager"] MigrateToCvdsTask starting for Host <HOST-UUID>, isInternalCall true
23:29:15.790Z INFO ActivityWorkerPool-1-16 MigrateToCvdsUtils 72011 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager"] NVDS-UPGRADE Successfully added host <HOST-UUID> to vds <VDS-ID>
23:30:34.634Z INFO MigrateToCvdsTaskExecutor9 MigrateToCvdsTask 72011 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager"] Host <HOST-UUID> MigrateToCvdsTask Stage TN_MIGRATION_COMPLETED: TN NVDS to CVDS Migration completed, migrationTaskId = 155971703. migrationTaskPassed true



VMware NSX-T


Since the problematic host is updated with the VDS switch information in NSX database, triggering another migration using API or CLI method might not work.

To mitigate the issue, the stale NVDS has to be deleted from the host and the host should be reconfigured for NSX.

To overcome this situation, please open a technical case from Broadcom Support portal
