If the "net_stacks
" "ipv6_enabled
" property is set to false it would not be effective even after ESX hosts reboot.
esxcli cannot update the IPv6 Enabled after reboot.
ESXi 8.0 U3
" property to false in vSphere Configuration Profiles.[root@ESXi-Host1:~] esxcli network ip netstack get -N defaultTcpipStack
Key: defaultTcpipStack
Name: defaultTcpipStack
Enabled: true
Max Connections: 13000
Current Max Connections: 11000
Congestion Control Algorithm: newreno
IPv6 Enabled: false ---------->
Current IPv6 Enabled: true
ECN Status: enabled
[root@ESXi-Host1:~] esxcli network ip netstack set -N defaultTcpipStack -i true