The vertical scrollbar is missing on My Workspace To Dos Weekly Calendar view
1. Login to MUX and go to any project task
2. On the task Details flyout, create 20 To Dos
3. Set the Owner as the user you are logged in with
4. Add the Due Date as today's date for 10 of those
5. Do not populate the Due Date for the other 10 To Dos
6. Go to My Workspace module > To Dos
7. On the My To Dos screen, set the Calendar view and set it weekly
8. You can see the To Dos without Due Date under the Unscheduled section.
9. There is a vertical scroll bar to navigate through the list of ToDos in that column
10. You can also see the To Dos with the Today date under the relevant calendar day
Expected Results: A vertical scroll bar to be present so you can navigate through the ToDos if they do not fit on the page
Actual Results: There is no vertical scroll bar on the calendar view and you cannot navigate through the To Dos daily column if they do not fit on the page
Clarity PPM 16.2.0, 16.2.1, 16.2.2
This issue is not reproducible in 16.2.3