Transfers to a Linux system are failing with message "XCOMU0297E Error requesting header confirmation: Txpi 701: Received remote data block at 0X960B4EFC starting with invalid EyeCatcher 0X4552524F (ERROR: object '/opt/datad); expected 0x98765432."
In addition to a "xcomtcp -PING" command initiated from Windows to the Linux also failed with message "XCOMN0297E Error requesting header confirmation: Txpi 701: Received remote data block at 0X960B4EFC starting with invalid EyeCatcher 0X4552524F (ERROR: object '/opt/datad); expected 0x98765432."
XCOM r11.6 for Linux
On the Linux system it was noticed that whenever any command was issued the following Error message would follow:
ERROR: object '/opt/datadog/apm/inject/' from /etc/ cannot be preloaded: ignored.
The message was being produced by an application called Datadog, which is a Performance monitoring application. The package was installed on the Linux server.
In this case we had Datadog uninstalled and had them rename the /etc/ file. Once that was done XCOM on the Linux system started to work and the transfers were successful.