Gen Example Model: INLINE CODE statements for READ, READ_EACH, CREATE
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Gen Example Model: INLINE CODE statements for READ, READ_EACH, CREATE


Article ID: 370461


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Gen Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed Gen - Workstation Toolset


INLINE CODE in the languages of C, C# and Java:

-  READ, READ_EACH and CREATE examples

-  Repeating Group View (RGV) processing for READ_EACH example



Release:  8.6

Component:  Gen Workstation Toolset



Inline Code has many benefits over EABs, especially since the code is kept with the model.  It is recommended that all new "external" logic to be done with Inline Code instead of EABs, where possible.
Here are links that might be useful pertaining to Inline Code:

Add an Inline Code Statement

Add Inline Code Statements Containing ODBC, JDBC, or ADO.NET Statements

Attached is a model that contains a Window-packaged module.  This module contains three examples of using Inline Code within Action Blocks for a READ, READ_EACH, and CREATE, and for each Action Block it contains examples in the languages of C, C# and Java.  The READ_EACH Action Block also contains an example that demonstrates the processing of a Repeating Group View (RGV) in Inline Code.  
While this model does not contain a real world example, it does provide a starting point to understanding how Inline Code might be used for the READ, READ-EACH and CREATE processing.


Inline Code Example Read get_app