IsNull APS Function not working when used within a Class
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IsNull APS Function not working when used within a Class


Article ID: 370416


Updated On: 09-20-2024




IsNull APS Function not working as expected when defined in a class that is used in Max Failures feature.

Use case as follows

** 1.Define a Class in APS config file as follows

@exampleclass=IsLDAP() AND IsNull("mobile")

where mobile is an attribute that exists in the user Store schema.

** 2.Update the Max Failures in the APS config file as follows

Max Failures=3
Max Failures={@exampleclass} 5



- The @exampleclass class will check the user if exists in the User Directory in question and if the attribute mobile is Null 
- If the above conditions in the class are satisfied, expectations that Max Failures of value 5 will be picked up otherwise it will be the default 3 


- What is happening that even though the user belongs to LDAP user Dir and has the mobile attribute as empty, the Max Failures is still being picked up as 3 which is the Default.


Any Supported Release of Siteminder


The IsNull Function intended to look for the Existance of the Actual Attribute if exist under the user Schema  and Not for the Value of the attribute.
In another meaning if the Attribute exists and it is empty , the IsNull will return False since it only look if the attribute exists in the schema or not .

So for the above example class to return true, the user must exist in the LDAP store and also the "mobile" attribute must not exist under the user schema.