Idea to Project conversion: Default does not get set
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Idea to Project conversion: Default does not get set


Article ID: 370408


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Scenario under consideration:

  1. Custom Static lookup defined
  2. A custom attribute defined to use this lookup in the Project object only
  3. A default is set against the attribute
  4. Some Project templates are updated to contain a value against this newly created attribute
  5. Note that an equivalent attribute is not present in the Idea object
  6. An Idea is converted to a Project.

What are the expected outcomes for this attribute?


Expected outcomes:

  1. If one of the templates mentioned in step 4 is used, then the value set against the template is set against the converted Project
  2. Without using a template, the default set against the attribute definition is set against the converted Project
  3. A template that does not have a value set against the attribute is used, then no value is set against the attribute in the converted Project.