After migrating to gateway 11.1 unable to connect to WebLogic JMS
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After migrating to gateway 11.1 unable to connect to WebLogic JMS


Article ID: 370394


Updated On: 06-20-2024


CA API Gateway


After  updating to  API Gateway 11.1 and we can't connect to WebLogic JMS.

It seems that the library we use (wlthint3client.jar) is not compatible with JDK17.

We also tried (unsuccessfully) using wlthint3client.jar from WebLogic 14.1.1 binaries.

According to API Gateway 11.1 documentation it should be possible to connect to WebLogic JMS.

Is documentation correct or we have to wait for WebLogic 14.1.2 that's supposed to be compatible with JDK17?


Gateway 11.1 


According the oracle documentation  the JMs client jar " wlthint3client jar"  is not supported with JDK 17 which is used with gateway 11.1.

JDK 17 is not supported for clients that uses wlthint3client jar.  Only Oracle JDK versions 8 and 11 are supported.

So you need  to get a JDK 17 compatible  JMS client from oracle.