Modern UX - Risk/Issue - Target Date validation rule getting triggered
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Modern UX - Risk/Issue - Target Date validation rule getting triggered


Article ID: 370312


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Inconsistent validation of Impact Date column generating error ITL-0002 Target Resolution Date should be same or earlier than Impact Date 

Steps to Reproduce: 

    1. Login to Clarity with administrator privilege's 
    2. Navigate to Object --> Search for Risk Object
    3. Under Risk Object, Set the Default Date to Null for two attributes Target Resolution Date and Impact Date
    4. Now navigate to MUX --> Administration --> Blueprint 
    5. Pick a Project Blueprint edit and configure using below configuration
      • From Modules pick Risk module and add and enable Enable Quick Create and Enable Create Dialog
      • Click on Edit module details and configure the create section to have Target Resolution Date and Impact Date attributes
      • Now create a rule on Risk Object and set Target Resolution Date as mandatory and publish the blueprint
    6. Navigate back to Project List and pick a project to create one risk using New Risk button and Quick Create a risk and put Target Resolution Date as future date 

Expected Results: Risk creation and validation should be same for Risk creation using New Risk button and Quick Create

Actual Results: While creating using New Risk button error "ITL-0002 Target Resolution Date should be same or earlier than Impact Date" is generated 


Clarity 16.2.1 




The resolution for this is included in 16.2.3 and (Patch 1).

Additional Information


  • Navigate to Administration --> Project Management --> Settings --> Check Allow Risk and Issue Target Resolution Date to be Greater than the Impact Date