Step by step process to upgrade ConnectALL from 2.10.x to 3.x version
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Step by step process to upgrade ConnectALL from 2.10.x to 3.x version


Article ID: 370295


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Since the ConnectALL 3.x version has architectural/platform changes as compared to 2.x, it is recommended that the upgrade to 3.x version from 2.x is done under the supervision of Support Engineer.
However, below are the steps that can be followed to make sure the ConnectALL upgrade is smoother and any possible issues are addressed.
For linux always run the installer with Root user.
Make sure the upgrade is performed on lower environment that mimics Prod environment before attempting on Prod environment to address any environmental issues.



2.10.x - 2.11.x


Pre Upgrade Checks.
  1. Make sure your ConnectALL instance is functional. Check if the UI is accessible and sync works fine.
  2. Make sure you have the password for the Java keystore which is generally under $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts. We will need it as the upgrade process requires migrating the java kesytore to ConnectALLStore.
  3. Make your you have the Environment variables set properly.
  4. Check any Business Script that you have are configured in UI and tested.(in 2.10.x it will be in filesystem and in 2.11.x it will be in UI). This is crucial as 3.x supports Business Scripts in UI only.
Before the upgrade starts:
  1. Stop ConnectALL Services.
  2. Take VM Snapshot and DB backup.


During the Upgrade:
  1. Stop ConnectALL services(Tomcat and Mule) if not stopped already.
  2. Backup ConnectALL Installation directory as you may need to access some files to cross check configurations.
  3. Cleanup ConnectALL Installation directory(this will help upgrade to complete smoothly and quickly). You can delete any heapdump(.hprof files), ../mule/logs/ and ../CATomcat/logs/ since we have them backed up already in step2. Check the size of ConnectALL installation directory, it will be ~1 GB in general.
  4. Create new directory and copy the installer to the directory(it has be other than ConnectALL installation directory). Copy the JDBC driver from ../Mule/lib/user/ to the same directory as it will be needed during the upgrade.
  5. Run the installer and select upgrade option. During the upgrade it will prompt you to select the jdbc driver, select the java keystore location and prompt to enter the password for the same. Make sure you enter the password correctly. It will also prompt to select the backup directory, make sure the directory you select is outside the ConnectAll Installation directory and is empty.
  6. Follow the on screen prompts and complete the upgrade.


Post Upgrade:
  1. Check if all services connectall-ui, connectall-broker, connectall-core and connectall-scheduler are installed.
  2. Stop all but connectall-ui service and make sure you can access ConnectALL UI. If UI is not accessible, check ../UI/tomcat/logs/catalina.out and connectall.log for any errors and address them to make sure UI is accessible.
  3. When you login for the first time post upgrade, it will prompt you to change the password and add an email address with user you are logging in with, it is due to password policy enforcement.
  4. Validate all connections works and you can modify the automations.
  5. Start connectall-broker service and make sure it started with no issues. To validate the same check logs ../Broker/connectall-broker/log/artemis.log for any errors and address them.
  6. Start connectall-core service and make sure it started with no issues. To validate the same check logs ../Core/logs/connectall.log for any errors and address them.
  7. Start connectall-scheduler service and make sure it started with no issues. To validate the same check logs ../Scheduler/log/scheduler.log for any errors and address them.
  8. Now login to UI and trigger one of the automation to make sure sync runs fine.