Collecting diagnostic information for HAProxy used with vSphere with Tanzu
Collecting diagnostic information for HAProxy used with vSphere with Tanzu
Article ID: 370254
Updated On: 06-23-2024
VMware vSphere with TanzuvSphere with Tanzu
Although the HAProxy appliance is not supported by VMware, to investigate and isolate a HAProxy related issue, it is necessary to collect diagnostic information from the HAProxy load balancer and the TKGs Supervisor Cluster.
This article will provide necessary steps to collect this information.
vSphere with Tanzu
HAProxy Load Balancer Virtual Appliance
Collect diagnostic information from HAProxy Appliance VM
SSH login to the HAProxy VM
Run "haproxy-support" command
Copy and upload the file /root/haproxy-support.tgz
Collect LBAPI logs from a Supervisor Control Plane VM. Follow this KB article for instructions to SSH login to the supervisor VM.
SSH login to a Supervisor VM
Collect logs from all lbapi pods
List lbapi pods using the command, kubectl get pod -A | grep lbapi vmware-system-lbapi vmware-system-lbapi-lbapi-controller-manager-7949685bff-7jvq2 2/2 Running 6 (25d ago) 34d vmware-system-lbapi vmware-system-lbapi-lbapi-controller-manager-7949685bff-jd9cq 2/2 Running 4 (25d ago) 34d
Export logs from the manager container within the lbapi pods.