When load data from gemfire to gpdb through gpfdist, generate error : http response code 500 from gpfdist
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When load data from gemfire to gpdb through gpfdist, generate error : http response code 500 from gpfdist


Article ID: 370229


Updated On: 06-18-2024


VMware Tanzu Greenplum


When load data from gemfire to gpdb through gpfdist,  the loading job may fail from application side. From gpdb pg log, it will report

"ERROR","08006","http response code 500 from gpfdist (gpfdist://xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx ): HTTP/1.1 200 OK  (segx xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx pid=xxxxx)",,,,,,"INSERT INTO ""gf_ext_xxx_xxx"" 



gemfire + greenplum 6.x


In situation, we can check if there is any change made to gemfire server and infrastructures. If yes, then try restart gemfire cache server first. If issue still exist, then contact Greenplum support team for assistance.