How to make password expiration date customizable
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How to make password expiration date customizable


Article ID: 370200


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Customer wants to set the expiration dates to specific users outside that defined default aging value.




By default, you can only define a global password aging period from 1 - 365 days.


    1. Go to cd /opt/APG/bin
    2. Enter ./
    3. Enter the username, master and password.
    4. Obtain the list of internal users and their password expiration date.
      • Enter query:  
        select id, username,pwd_expiry_date from users;
    5. Based on which user you want to update the pwd_expiry_date, enter the update query with new password expiry date of the id whose password expiry date needs to be modified for example as below:
      • Enter query:
        update users set pwd_expiry_date='2099-07-30' where id=1;
    6. Verify the password expiration date has been updated.
      • Enter query:
        select id, username, pwd_expiry_date from users;
        • Below is the screenshot of the DB query steps:


                     Once updated login to SRM admin screen and if already logged in then refresh the screen. Changes will be updated. One can see changes in  Users & Security àManage Users Ui if admin screen.