Security checklist fails on the password autocomplete feature of the Horizon dashboard.
Below is the Openstack Security Guide checklist description of this feature.
PASSWORD_AUTOCOMPLETE is not set to False.
A common feature that applications use to provide users with convenience is to cache the password locally in the browser (on the client machine) and have it pre-typed in all subsequent requests. While this feature can be perceived as extremely user-friendly, it introduces a security flaw. The user account becomes easily accessible to anyone who uses the same account on the client machine, potentially leading to a compromise of the user account.
Please use the attached patched values.yaml
file to replace the original one in the /opt/vmware/data/helm/0/horizon-<build number>.tgz
ls /opt/vmware/data/helm/0/ | grep horizon
cp /opt/vmware/data/helm/0/horizon-7.3.0+21849206.tgz /root/horizon-7.3.0+21849206.tgz.orig
tar -xzvf /opt/vmware/data/helm/0/horizon-7.3.0+21849206.tgz -C /tmp/
cp /root/values.yaml /tmp/horizon/values.yaml
cd /tmp
tar -zcvf horizon-7.3.0+21849206.tgz horizon
cp /tmp/horizon-7.3.0+21849206.tgz /opt/vmware/data/helm/0/
helm upgrade horizon1 horizon
Wait for a while until the Horizon pod restarts.
viocli update horizon
neutron_backend: dvs
password_autocomplete: false
osget pods | grep horizon-server
horizon-server-bf4586566-jjbmz 1/1 Running 0 2m27s
osctl exec -it horizon-server-bf4586566-jjbmz grep password_autocomplete /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings
#HORIZON_CONFIG["password_autocomplete"] = "off"
HORIZON_CONFIG["password_autocomplete"] = "off"