ARD Hub - HTTP Code: 400 error: invalid_grant, error_description: Account is not fully set up
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ARD Hub - HTTP Code: 400 error: invalid_grant, error_description: Account is not fully set up


Article ID: 370173


Updated On: 06-18-2024


CA Agile Requirements Designer


After upgrading to ARD Hub 3.3, and configuring new user accounts in Keycloak, users haven't been able to connect to the ARD Hub from withing the ARD Studio. When they try to connect they are seeing the following error:

“HTTP 400 error: invalid; message: invalid_grant”


ARD 3.3 and greater


This is due to a change made in the newer releases of Keycloak. When creating new user accounts in Keycloak, the new users are required to reset their password the first time they log in. Until the password is reset the account will not be fully set up and usable. If this is the case, you should see the following in the ARD Studio log:

[Agile Requirements Designer Hub Log]Response HTTP Code: 400
[Agile Requirements Designer Hub Log]ReturnedMessage: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Account is not fully set up"}

Note: If you are seeing a different description in the error message, then check the permissions of the user account


Due to a change in Keycloak, when creating new users in Keycloak, the new user must log in using the ARD HUB UI, and set their password.

Once they do this, they should be able to connect from the ARD Studio to ARD Hub.