ASM OPMS is not responding.
(-95) Checkpoint did not return status, full response: 'Unexpected response from OPMS. [] Aborting request req zgCiksI POST /api/monitor/check?agent=cbot&direct=1&age=30: nginx'
the below message is reported continuously in the dockerd log
dockerd[1990]: time="2024-06-15T22:51:05.164509439+02:00" level=info msg="failed to read ipv6 net.ipv6.conf.<bridge>
asm containers seems to be working as expected
Option 1:
1. kill nginx PID
2. /opt/asm/linux-amd64/asm-installer stop
3. ensure all nginx PIDs are gone; then
4 /opt/asm/linux-amd64/asm-installer start
Option 2:
Reinstall OPMS with -ipv4 flag.
The above messages indicates that setup has IPV6 disabled or under some firewall rules.