Outbound mail for generated report is rejected with "554 Relay rejected for policy reasons"
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Outbound mail for generated report is rejected with "554 Relay rejected for policy reasons"


Article ID: 370139


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


There might be 2 scenario's

1. Single node Aria Ops network test connection to SMTP will establish connection, but email trigger might fail with error "554 Relay rejected for policy reasons"  
2. In a scenario of two node cluster when the notification is triggered from one node it would go through while the node02 might fail.

    Snippets from the Analytics logs located at /storage/log/vcops/log


For report  WARN  [reportGenerationExecutor-1]  com.vmware.vcops.platform.notification.email.EmailConfig.fromTransmissionConfig - Unsupported service credential type for Email
WARN  [reportGenerationExecutor-1]  com.vmware.statsplatform.persistence.serviceCredential.ServiceCredentialDataService.getServiceCredential - ServiceCredentialSearchParam cannot be null ERROR [Sending Outbound Email message: 'Report_name'; To: ; [email protected]]  com.vmware.vcops.platform.notification.email.EmailSender.call - Failed to send email Outbound Email message: 'Report_name; To: ; [email protected]; 554 Mail from [email protected] rejected for policy reasons.For Report_name WARN  [reportGenerationExecutor-1]  com.vmware.statsplatform.persistence.serviceCredential.ServiceCredentialDataService.getServiceCredential - ServiceCredentialSearchParam cannot be null ERROR [Sending Outbound Email message: 'Report_name'; To: ; [email protected]]  



Aria operations 8.x


This generally happens if there is misconfiguration on the SMTP policy



To resolve this issue, contact the email administrator to register all the nodes in the SMTP policy and make sure to have network communication to the SMTP server.