Patching vCenter Server Appliance via CLI
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Patching vCenter Server Appliance via CLI


Article ID: 370115


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vCenter Server 6.0 VMware vCenter Server 7.0 VMware vCenter Server 8.0


This article provides instruction on how to patch the vCenter Server through the command line.


  1. Download the full patch ISO (FP.ISO) from the Broadcom Support Portal.
  2. Upload the patch to an existing datastore and attach the iso to the vCenter Server VM.
  3. SSH to the vCenter Server using FQDN or I.P and login with root account credentials
  4. Access the Appliance shell (appliancesh) and not Bash Shell to perform the patch.
  5. Stage the packages located in the .ISO file mounted to the vCenter Server VM:

    software-packages stage --iso --acceptEulas

  6. After the staging completes, list or install the staged packages:
    • To verify the version of the mounted ISO:

      software-packages list --staged

    • To install the staged packages:

      software-packages install --staged
  7. Once completed, an output will state: "Packages upgraded successfully, Reboot is required to complete the installation”.
  8. If the patch installation requires a reboot of the appliance, run the following command to restart the appliance:

    shutdown now -r "patch reboot"

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