Endpoint Protection heartbeat failed with error HTTPS certificates related error (35) Recv failure: Connection timed out
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Endpoint Protection heartbeat failed with error HTTPS certificates related error (35) Recv failure: Connection timed out


Article ID: 370112


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Endpoint Protection


Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) client fails to communicate with Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM).
The communication port is open and telnet is successful. Secars test fails.

CVE logs have the below entries:

2024-06-04T15:31:51.450UTC 140541882766912 WARN util.httpsender [2024-Jun-04 15:31:51.450704] [WARN ] HTTPS certificates related error (35) Recv failure: Connection timed out [thread:7fd274ff69c0]
2024-06-04T15:32:06.298UTC 140541882766912 WARN util.httpsender [2024-Jun-04 15:32:06.298670] [WARN ] HTTPS certificates related error (35) Recv failure: Connection timed out [thread:7fd274ff69c0]
2024-06-04T15:32:06.298UTC 140541882766912 INFO cve.sylinkcommunicator [2024-Jun-04 15:32:06.298979] [INFO ] Heartbeat failed [thread:7fd274ff8110]


Windows OS, SEP 14.3x


Restrictions from router/proxy fail to complete the communication.


The communication failure with this error is mostly due to restrictions from the router or proxy end.
Work with network team to identify the issue and add exceptions to the network segment to allow communication.