Starting a newly installed agent via the service manager that is already running
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Starting a newly installed agent via the service manager that is already running


Article ID: 370077


Updated On: 06-17-2024


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


The ask is that there is currently a service manager process running that started an agent. 
A new agent has been installed, and the service manager .smd file has been updated with this new agent information. 
Is there a way for the service manager reread the .smd file and start this new agent?


Automic v21


As the service manager maintains its status of running processes in memory, there is no way to have the service manager reread the .smd file while it is running and pick up any changes. 

If the currently running processes cannot be stopped, then a manual start of the new process/agent will need to be done. When the service manager is next restarted, this new entry will be read and the process/agent will be started via the service manager as expected.