How to expand JVM Options for EEM
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How to expand JVM Options for EEM


Article ID: 370072


Updated On: 06-17-2024




APM Tomcat Agent to instrument EEM in Servicedesk Environment. The customer needs to know how to expand the JVM Properties for EEM igateway.conf to start the Agent


The issue is that the -javaagent property is different from those properties. Most properties are passed to the application as system properties with -Dkey=value e.g. “-DEIAM_HOME=/opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager“ but the Java agent property does not work like this. It is not for the application but for the JVM itself like “-server”.

The property must show up in the jvm_args (or the process command line) as “-javaagent:/opt/CA/wily/Agent.jar” and not “-Djavaagent:/opt/CA/wily/Agent.jar”! The agent profile and agent name can be set with -D. You could try if this works (change path accordingly) with jvm-property:

<Properties name="jvm_javaagent">

If this does not work you can try to set the environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=“-javaagent:/opt/CA/wily/Agent.jar” before the EEM start script is called. On Windows, this must be a system variable.

Instead of this:

<Properties name="jvm_heapsize">
<jvm-property>-Xmx1024m -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2</jvm-property>

you probably need to use this (only one property per tag):

<Properties name="jvm_heapsize">
<Properties name="tls-protocol">
