Some access rights are using the RTF or longer hyphen character and it is causing an issue not finding all related rights when using a filter that contains the shorter hyphen character.
Project Management - Tiles Navigate access right in German contains a large hyphen
Project Management - Tiles Navigate access right in English is translated to Projektmanagement – Kachel-Navigation in German.
The short hyphen in English is large in German.
Due to the large hyphen, when filtering by access rights in German, the access rights might not be returned.
1. Login to Clarity using a user whose language setting is German
2. Classic PPM > Go to Administration > Administration and Access > Resources
3. Select a Resource > Go to Resource's Access Rights > Global and click Add
4. Filter by the following string:
5. Two access rights are returned:
Projektmanagement - Navigieren
Projektmanagement - Kachel-Navigation
6. Filter by the following string:
Projektmanagement -
Expected Results: The same two access rights to be returned
Actual Results: Only the Projektmanagement - Navigieren access right is returned.
This is caused by DE81004
This is targeted to be fixed in 16.2.3
The second one is excluded because the hyphen is different (large hyphen)