Running CA Access Gateway (SPS), this one crashed once, returning stack as:
Stack: [0x00007f68f7bc5000,0x00007f68f7cc6000], sp=0x00007f68f7cc4560, free space=1021k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, A=aot compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [] SATBMarkQueue::filter()+0x7a
V [] SATBMarkQueue::should_enqueue_buffer()+0x11
V [] PtrQueue::enqueue_known_active(void*)+0x1e5
CA Access Gateway (SPS) 12.8SP8 on RedHat 7;
Adoptium JDK version 11.0.22+7;
Upgrade or downgrade the JDK version to fix this issue;
To fix this crash, it's best to downgrade the JVM to the latest version of 1.8 since there haven't been any reports of this problem in Adoptium JDK 1.8.