Aria Automation upgrade fails with LCMVRAVACONFIG90030 - the updatecli.log shows: "installing package ____ needs __MB on the / filesystem", exit code 65024 "[Exit Code: 1] VAMI has exited with error code: 1. Upgrade has failed"
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Aria Automation upgrade fails with LCMVRAVACONFIG90030 - the updatecli.log shows: "installing package ____ needs __MB on the / filesystem", exit code 65024 "[Exit Code: 1] VAMI has exited with error code: 1. Upgrade has failed"


Article ID: 370015


Updated On: 12-13-2024


VMware Aria Suite



  • The /var/log/vmware/prelude/upgrade.log contains errors similar to
    [ERROR] VAMI overall upgrade has failed.
    [ERROR] Upgrade failed on this node. Monitoring on this node will be deactivated.
  • The installation request fails in Aria Suite Lifecycle with message:
Error code: LCMVRAVACONFIG90030
vRealize Automation VA Upgrade Status Check failed
Upgrade on vRealize Automation VA <node> with state fatal

  • The  /opt/vmware/var/log/vami/updatecli.log contains errors similar to
installing package photon-repos-4.0-1.ph4.noarch needs 1234MB on the / filesystem
installing package man-pages-5.03-3.ph4.noarch needs 1234MB on the / filesystem
installing package iana-etc-2.29-5.ph4.noarch needs 1321MB on the / filesystem
installing package grub2-theme-4.0-1.ph4.noarch needs 1010MB on the / filesystem
30/05/2024 13:03:16 [ERROR] Failed with exit code 65024

[INFO] Update status: Error while running installation tests
[ERROR] Failure: updatecli exiting abnormally



  • Aria Automation 8.x
  • Aria Orchestrator 8.x


  • Non-standard files left on the root partition, / of Aria Automation are causing the disk to overfill during upgrade.



These commands may help in identifying which non-standard files are filling up the disk.

  1. Which are the biggest files on disk:
    find / -xdev -size +100M -exec du -sh '{}' \; | sort -rh
  2. Where is space consumed under the root directory?
    du -hax -d1 / | sort -rh

Please store any files you need for Automation on another partition than root, and remove when no longer needed.

If this still does not free the required amount of space, please look to increase the root (/) partition disk from vCenter using the steps found in the following Documentation: increase vRealize Automation appliance disk space.

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