What does the Update Aggregated data job do?
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What does the Update Aggregated data job do?


Article ID: 369934


Updated On: 06-14-2024


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


What does the Update Aggregated data job do and what is Broadcom's recommendation for its schedule?


The job updates the INV_INVESTMENT_ALLOCS_FLAT table with the investment parent/child allocation percentages. The job flattens the hierarchical data (especially for the resulting percentage allocations).

This table is referenced in 2 stored procedures: CBK_PREVIEW_REVERSALS_SP, CBK_REVERSE_TXNS_SP

Looking at the current code, this is only used on Chargebacks today

It is no longer used in Portfolio Management after version 13.2 when the new Portfolio feature replaced the old feature. 

In the pre13.x Portfolio Management feature there was a specific portlet (“Investment Role Capacity” portlet) that used the data from the FLAT table, but this portlet is deprecated

If chargeback and invoices are not in use both jobs can be deactivated