The Link from Classic page to MUX Project View causes the New from Template page to use incorrect views.
1. Navigate to Project List page (MUX) and add a few columns
2. View Drop down - Save As - Name: TEST
3. Once the TEST view is saved, view drop down - manage
4. Under Managed Views - Actions - Copy Link
5. Under Project object (Classic), configure an action using the link copied in Step 4.
6. Navigate to Administration - Menu Manager and create a link under Personal using the action created in Step 5.
7. Refresh the page and you should be seeing this new link under Home - Personal
8. Click on the new link and it will navigate straight to the MUX Project List page and TEST view
9. Click on New from template button
Expected: The Select Template page opens up with the Default view and the template projects can be selected.
Actual: The Select Template opens up with the below error and the view from Project List page (TEST) is also showing in this page as well.
The filters from Project List page is also carry forwarded to the SELECT Template page.
TEST view is not in this page's view drop down
Pop Up message: Conditions referring to deleted or deactivated attributes have been removed.
Workaround: In the SELECT Template page, use the views drop down to select the Standard View and then all Template would show up.
DE80986 - Fixed in 16.2.3