How to troubleshoot Diag bundle generation failure from VCO for edges
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How to troubleshoot Diag bundle generation failure from VCO for edges


Article ID: 369911


Updated On:


VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN


Troubleshooting Diag bundle failure.

  1. For a successful diag bundle creation we do see below MGD logs from CLI.
    mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:10.562 INFO    [diag (8081:Thread-224354:16730)] Generating diagnostic bundle into /velocloud/diagtmp/mgd-diag-dMmqwZ
    mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:16.540 INFO    [diag (8081:Thread-224357:16973)] Post standbygenerateDiagnosticBundle
    mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:22.105 INFO    [diag (8081:Thread-224359:17074)] Post standbygenerateDiagnosticBundle
    mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:27.525 INFO    [diag (8081:Thread-224359:17074)] Generated bundle, starting upload
    mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:18.217 INFO    [diag (8081:Thread-224357:16973)] Finished upload
  2. The maximum size for the diag bundle generation is 180 MB. If it exceeds below logs could be seen.
    2022-06-06T09:22:07.984 ERROR   [mgd (761:Thread-253745:3299)] Failed to upload diagnostic bundle: 413 Client Error: Request Entity Too Large

    2022-06-06T09:22:22.175..., Action Updates: [{"status": "ERROR", "responseData": {"message": "Failed to upload diagnostic bundle: 413 Client Error: Request Entity Too Large"}, "id

    ": 154}]
  3. If diag bundle fails before starting upload step, check for space issue on /velocloud/ folder  or mgd log  failure reason to validate why it failed. 
    MGD log for the same:

    Failed to upload diagnostic bundle: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/velocloud/diagtmp/mgd-diag-HcBD_B'

    To verify space Go to Cd /velocloud/ and use df -h command to verify space in velocloud has more than 180 mb.
  4. If diag bundle fails after starting upload, then this could be network transient issue or VCO issue.
  5. To verify transient ISP issue, take PCAP to validate if there is lot of retransmission or if any packets missing from both VCO and VCE end. 
  6. If we have any  HTTPS error code for diag bundle  please validate the HTTPS error code to isolate the cause.


Applicable to all SASE SDWAN edge versions.


If issue still persist even after the troubleshooting please involve support.