Troubleshooting Diag bundle failure.
mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:10.562 INFO [diag (8081:Thread-224354:16730)] Generating diagnostic bundle into /velocloud/diagtmp/mgd-diag-dMmqwZ
mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:16.540 INFO [diag (8081:Thread-224357:16973)] Post standbygenerateDiagnosticBundle
mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:22.105 INFO [diag (8081:Thread-224359:17074)] Post standbygenerateDiagnosticBundle
mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:27.525 INFO [diag (8081:Thread-224359:17074)] Generated bundle, starting upload
mgd.log.20:2024-05-02T03:07:18.217 INFO [diag (8081:Thread-224357:16973)] Finished upload
2022-06-06T09:22:07.984 ERROR [mgd (761:Thread-253745:3299)] Failed to upload diagnostic bundle: 413 Client Error: Request Entity Too Large
2022-06-06T09:22:22.175..., Action Updates: [{"status": "ERROR", "responseData": {"message": "Failed to upload diagnostic bundle: 413 Client Error: Request Entity Too Large"}, "id
": 154}]
MGD log for the same:
Failed to upload diagnostic bundle: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/velocloud/diagtmp/mgd-diag-HcBD_B'
To verify space Go to Cd /velocloud/ and use df -h command to verify space in velocloud has more than 180 mb.
Applicable to all SASE SDWAN edge versions.
If issue still persist even after the troubleshooting please involve support.