We have a VNA Host and I see that the SSL Cert only has the FDQN for "DNS Name" in the SAN fields. What is the best way to update the cert with the DNS short name and host IP?
A new SSL Cert / Keystore can be created to include the necessary SAN names and IPs.
mv /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/standalone/configuration/keystore.jks /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/standalone/configuration/keystore.jks.old
Note: If your VNA install is in a different path please adjust the path
sudo update-alternatives --config 'java'
cd <enter path to java bin folder>
./keytool -genkey -alias cavna -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 730 -ext san=dns:<host name>.<Your domain>,dns:<host name>,ip:##.###.##.##.### -keystore /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/standalone/configuration/keystore.jks -storepass changeit
Note: Please replace the <host name>.<Your domain>, <host name>, and ##.###.##.##.### with the VNA Servers Host names and IP Address.
Note: You will be asked a series of questions, last/first name should be the FQDN name <host name>.<Your domain>
The name entered here must also be included in the SAN list.