After upgrading to Aria Automation 8.16.2, VMs cannot be powered on. Error: "The operation ON failed. The machine [VM_NAME] may be deleted, and cannot be powered on."
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After upgrading to Aria Automation 8.16.2, VMs cannot be powered on. Error: "The operation ON failed. The machine [VM_NAME] may be deleted, and cannot be powered on."


Article ID: 369863


Updated On: 06-14-2024


VMware Aria Suite


After upgrading to Aria Automation 8.16.2, new deployments can fail at the VM power-on step if the vSphere cluster's DRS setting is set to "Manual".

Error message: "The operation ON failed. The machine [VM_NAME] may be deleted, and cannot be powered on."

Trying to power-on existing (managed) VMs in Aria Automation can also fail with the same error when DRS is set to "Manual".


  • Aria Automation 8.16.2


Fixed in Aria Automation 8.17 and later.

As a workaround, if DRS is changed from "Manual" to "Partially automated" or "Fully automated", then VMs can be successfully powered-on from Aria Automation 8.16.2.