The following message is issued when using the RULES command in SYSVIEW:
GSV2314E GSVXACSR #ACALERT STATUS failed. Alert Central never active.
Sysview 17.0
Sysview is trying to connect to Alert Central but this product is not started.
1.- Use the following SYSVIEW command to display the options in the SYSDATA member of parmlib:
Search for the value of the Alert-Central-Notification option.
If Alert-Central-Notification does not exist in SYSDATA then go to step 2.
If Alert-Central-Notification option is YES change this option to NO in the SYSDATA member of hlq.CNM4BPRM
2.- Use the following SYSVIEW command to display the options in the SVWCOPTS member of parmlib:
Search for the value of the Alert-Central-Notification option.
If Alert-Central-Notification option is YES change this option to NO in the SVWCOPTS member of hlq.CNM4BPRM
3.- Recycle Sysview.