Access Gateway's Openssl upgraded based on KB -->
After upgrade, when running openssl version -a, the OPENSSLDIR is not the same
* Older version --> OPENSSLDIR: "/etc/pki/tls" (prior of upgrading the openssl )
* New Version --> OPENSSLDIR: "/tmp/openssl-1.0.2zj/Release/ssl" (after upgrading the openssl )
12.8.x Access Gateway
The Openssl delivered with the Access Gateway and within the Patch from the KB are compiles exactly the same which means the OPENSSLDIR will point to the /tmp directory.
The OPENSSLDIR: "/etc/pki/tls" from the Results hints that the Redhat openssl is the one being picked up from the command line.
Please use the Full path of the Access Gateway's openssl when checking the version as follows
full_path_of_AG/SSL/bin/openssl version -a to ensure you are checking the correct openssl version.