Monitor robot availability / reachability and send alarms with DX UIM
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Monitor robot availability / reachability and send alarms with DX UIM


Article ID: 369845


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


We want to monitor the Availability and / or Rechability of servers / robots / hosts / devices in my DX UIM Environment. 

What options do we have? 

How can we send Availability alarms and create reports? 


DX UIM 20.4.* / 23.4.* 




Below are different options and concepts for Availability Monitoring: 

    • Availability is the percentage of time that the device is powered on and is also capable of processing data. A device that is 'Available' might still be unreachable because of a network or communications failure by another device.
    • Reachability refers to whether a device is reachable from the source. Typically, data sources use ICMP (ping testing) to communicate regularly with the target device. Any communication failures, including the loss of the network path or routing, affect the reachability statistics. If ICMP is blocked, and you cant use the net_connect probe to ping the device, you can use the snmpcollector probe determine reachability.
      Reachability data comes from regular ping testing of all devices that support ICMP. A reachability value can be the percentage ping responses that are received from the device during each reporting interval. You can use net_connect or icmp for ping monitoring.

  • Community Post: (unsupported, custom scripts/callbacks)
    UIM robots_checker (check probes, and do callbacks on it). This probe has been created to do self-monitoring of UIM Hubs and robots.