All BGP sessions with uplink routers went down after resizing NSXT edge VMs (For ex., from Large to Xtra-Large size) using redeploy API /api/v1/transport-nodes/<EVM-TN-UUID>?action=redeploy
After Edge VM redeployment and exit out of Maintenance mode, the workflow to refresh uplink MAC address of Edge VM which updates the newly assigned MAC address (after re-deployment) is not triggered. This issue affects ARP resolution of Edge VM MAC address and hence BGP session with upstream routers are failed to establish.
This issue is fixed with NSX releases 3.2.3 and 4.1.2 and above.
1. To create a dummy update on the redeployed Edge transport node. (For ex., change Edge VM display name)
2. This is to trigger an update on the Edge node which will invoke a function internally that updates latest MAC address on all ports on the related Edge VM.