When running the installDR.bin the from 23.3.10 and the drinstall.properties file is missing variables the documentation references.
We don't see the SudoPassword, SshPassword or PublicKeyFile entries discussed here in the Install the Database documentation topic.
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management Data Repository releases
The installDR.bin creates a backup copy of the existing drinstall.properties but doesn't write the new version as well.
This is submitted to engineering as defect ID DE605404. Watch the Fixed Issues lists for an entry with the defect ID to see the release the fix is included in. The fix will ensure the new version of the drinstall.properties file is written when installDR.bin is run.
To work around the problem run installDR.bin and point it to a new custom directory. It will write all new files including the latest drinstall.properties file.