Add Disk, Resize Disk, and Resize Boot Disk Day 2 Actions are not available if disks are NOT configured using SCSI key 0 and unit number 0
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Add Disk, Resize Disk, and Resize Boot Disk Day 2 Actions are not available if disks are NOT configured using SCSI key 0 and unit number 0


Article ID: 369794


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • You are using Aria Automation Assembler 8.x.
  • An existing virtual machine and its associated disks, when onboarded in a deployment, are not configured using SCSI controller key 0 and unit number 0.
    • Add Disk, Resize Disk, and Resize Boot Disk actions are disabled in this combination.


VMware Aria Automation 8.x


A disk is identified as Boot disk when it is configured with SCSI controller key 0 and unit number 0.


  • Users are unable to run Add Disk, Resize Disk, and Resize Boot Disk actions.


This issue is will be resolved in a later release.


  • To enable Add Disk, Resize Disk, and Resize Boot Disk actions, disks must be configured with the virtual device nodes pointed to SCSI controller number 0 and unit number 0 (0:0).