Disable diagnostics finding from being calculated
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Disable diagnostics finding from being calculated


Article ID: 369791


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


In the rare case that a Diagnostic finding being reported defective or doesn’t produce adequate or wrong output a customer may want to disable the Diagnostic rule.


The customer needs to create a user-defined solution config file. Navigate to Operations -> Configurations -> Management Packs Configuration -> Add:

Name must be diagnostics_mp_config_overwrites.json

Free format: yes

Contents example:


    "disabledRuleIds": ["NSXT_TrimmedException_KB_92309", “AUTOMATION_datarecordsleak_KB_93133”]


Please make sure that the input is a valid JSON with the mentioned structure. In this field there can be added multiple finding ids retrieved from the Diagnostics panel.

Additional Information

This solution config file can be used for other configuration overwrites. Here is the full list of possible fields and example values:

    "disabledRuleIds": ["AUTOMATION_datarecordsleak_KB_93133"],
    "parallelRuleExecutionCount": 10,
    "findingsLimitForRule": 500,
    "queryTimeoutInMins": 3,
    "activeScanDurationInHrs": 24,
    "historicalScanMaxDurationInDays": 7,
    "activeScanRetentionInHrs": 36,
    "historicalScanRetentionInHrs": 96,
    "workloadProvisioningRetentionInHrs": 168,
    "snapshotProvisioningRetentionInHrs": 168

After the solution config file is created with the respective disabled rule ids the findings with these ids will disappear on the next diagnostics findings calculations in up to 4 hours.