OSG000201 - Another computer with the same Hostname is already defined.
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OSG000201 - Another computer with the same Hostname is already defined.


Article ID: 369766


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


When trying to Manage an PXE OSIM computer following error appears :
Another computer with the same Hostname is already defined. [OSG000201]
But the hostname is not present under All Computers folder.


Client Automation - All versions


A possible cause is that a Boot Configuration with the hostname in conflict is linked to a computer. And this computer has been renamed after OS installation.

Following SQL Query could give the name of computer which has the boot configuration with hostname in conflict :

SELECT name FROM csm_object WHERE id in (
SELECT parent FROM csm_link WHERE child in (
SELECT id FROM csm_object WHERE id in (
SELECT parent FROM csm_link WHERE child =(SELECT id FROM csm_object WHERE id in (SELECT object FROM csm_property WHERE name='value' and UPPER(value)=UPPER('HOSTNAME_IN_CONFLICT')) and class=106 and name='hostname'))
and class=1004)) and class=102

Replace HOSTNAME_IN_CONFLICT by the hostname


  1. Execute SQL Query above to find the name of computer causing the problem

  2. In DSM Explorer go under All Computers/computername/OS Installation Parameters
    On the right the Boot configuration appears with the hostname in conflict

  3. Right click on it and select "Delete from OS Installation Management"

Additional Information

Remark :

Following SQL Query returns all computers which have a different hostname in its OS Boot Configuration :

SELECT computer.name 'Computer Name', p.value 'HostName in Boot Configuration'
FROM csm_object computer
LEFT JOIN csm_link l1 ON l1.parent=computer.id
LEFT JOIN csm_object bootconfig ON l1.child=bootconfig.id
LEFT JOIN csm_link l2 ON l2.parent=bootconfig.id
LEFT JOIN csm_object paramval ON paramval.id=l2.child
LEFT JOIN csm_property p ON p.object=paramval.id and p.name='value'
WHERE computer.class=102 and bootconfig.class=1004 and paramval.class=106 and paramval.name='hostname'
and UPPER(computer.name)<>UPPER(p.value)