Error message DDRTVC0025 error in AXPOR01 upgrade job in step DDRTVCAT.
The upgrade cannot proceed.
Release: 14.0.
Component: Datacom/AD.
Using CA 11 release 3.0 and Datacom/AD 11.0 and upgrading to Datacom/AD 14.0.
In that DDRTVCAT step, using the CA 11 release 11.0 LOADLIB for which L7BTG module has these two tables (CSD and AUD) defined.
Re-executing that step with CA 11 release 3.0 LOADLIB corrects the problem.
Upgrading from Datacom/AD11.0 to 14.0. Clients should use AXPOR02 job instead of AXPOR01 via APAR RO63245.
That APAR allows Datacom/AD 11.0 and 10.0 to directly upgrade to 14.0.